Community events provide the opportunity for connection, support, relationships and resilience while raising awareness, funds and hope for the cure for FTD and related dementias.

From Care to Cure – Annual Education Event

Our Annual Education Event, From Care to Cure, welcomes over 100 caregivers, patients, community partners, clinicians and staff for a day of education and connections. Through presentations and workshops, we aim to empower caregivers and patients with knowledge and skills that will enhance their understanding of these devastating diseases. We are honored to travel the journey of care with so many patients and families and look forward to the next opportunity to learn, share and connect together.

Care Plan Trifecta Webinar Series

Do you have questions about care planning after an FTD diagnosis? The MGH FTD Unit is excited to offer a four part webinar series about the Care Plan Trifecta (CPT), a framework to help you develop a person-centered care plan that centers on the person with a diagnosis and their care partner and community, unifying healthcare with personal values and goals of care.

The CPT identifies specific needs of people living with a diagnosis and caregivers, prioritizes personhood and dignity, balances independence with safety, and recognizes goals of care at every stage. By focusing on three community-based domains, medical, home and patient advocacy, the CPT takes care out of the clinic and into people’s lives at home. We hope to see you online for this informative series!

Katie Brandt, MGH FTD Unit Director of Caregiver Support Services and Public Relations, leads the Care Plan Trifecta series, guiding individuals and families to set themselves up for success with a comprehensive care plan that respects their values, traditions and wishes for every stage of care.

Noche de Cine/A Night at the Movies

The MGH FTD Unit presented its first Spanish-language community event in April 2024. Noche de Cine y Charla sobre la Demencia de Inicia Temprano (Movie Night and Discussion about Early-Onset Dementia) was hosted in partnership with the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and Union Capital Boston. Watch a trailer for the short film Pedacito de Carne and listen to the lively Q&A between Diana and Sandra Gonzalez-Morett and Dr. Liliana Ramirez Gómez on our YouTube channel.  The video is in Spanish but YouTube’s closed-captioning and auto-translate functions can be used for captions in English.

Community Forum Fridays – MGH FTD Unit Webinars

Join Katie Brandt, Director of Caregiver Support Services and Public Relations, for live discussions online with community experts, colleagues, and friends to address topics that are relevant to caregivers and families living life with Alzheimer’s Disease, Frontotemporal Disorders, and related dementias.

Learning Livecast – Educational Webinar

Our first Learning Livecast, More Than Words: Understanding Primary Progressive Aphasia. Hear from our expert team Speech and Language team about PPA, how we diagnose it and what treatment looks like.